IRS Unveils Advanced AI Bots to Reduce Wait Times
The IRS has used automated messages and instructions to manage the call volume from taxpayers and tax professionals for quite some time. However, in early June, it began deploying “authenticated voice” bots to help guide taxpayers through more complex issues over the phone. This allows taxpayers to verify their identity and “speak” with an AI bot to make changes to their account. Previously, bots were only able to provide generic information regarding filing deadlines or CoVid-19 relief.
The main focus of the new AI program is aimed to help taxpayers set up or modify payment plans. This is something that previously had to be done online or by speaking with an IRS representative. Now, taxpayers can verify their identity, speak with a bot and have their payment plan updated within 20 minutes. You will still have the option to wait on hold to speak to a representative, but this gives taxpayers the ability to bypass the wait.
Although the number of issues the bots are able to address is limited, the IRS plans to continue to roll out new functions over time. Later this year taxpayers should be able access their transcripts, payment history and current balance. We are not getting our hopes up yet, but it seems to be a step in the right direction to improve wait times for all taxpayers and reduce the burden of an already understaffed agency.
If you want to know what to expect when using the new AI system, you can watch this video from the IRS.