"Where's My Refund" Tool Updated
The IRS updated the “Where’s My Refund” tool to allow taxpayers to view the status of their refund from the prior three years. Before this change, it was only possible to see the status of your current year refund. This may not seem helpful at first, but taxpayers filing multiple years at once, or those experiencing longer-than-normal refund delays, can use this feature to prevent calling the IRS. Take it from a tax professional, it is nearly impossible to speak to an IRS representative right now. If there is a way to utilize your online account, please do so.
The “Where’s My Refund” tool can be accessed here. You will need your Social Security Number (or ITIN), filing status and amount of expected refund to check the status of your refund. An update should be available 24 hours after the acceptance of your e-filed return. Some taxpayers will still need to call the IRS to get their issue resolved, but this should cut down on some of those requests.
There are many things within the IRS that need improvement. This tool will have little effect on long processing times and the issuance of incorrect automated notices. However, this (along with other automated implementations and greater online account access) should help the strain on the phone lines.